We wanted to give a well-deserved shout out this month in Community Connections to the Student Environmental Center at UNCA. This past year, Sundance has enjoyed working with co-directors Carter Smith and Shannon Bodeau, to bring our mobile solar array to several of UNCA’s larger events, supporting sustainable and renewable energy use! Pictured is our set-up at the popular Farm-to-Table Dinner earlier in the month.
When asked about the work of SEC and the collaboration with Sundance, Carter Smith said, “During this year, UNC Asheville’s 90th, we have had the opportunity to reflect on how this educational community has always been an innovative force, and the Student Environment Center is one pioneering project that positions us as a leader in higher education. As a co-director of such an organization, I feel a certain responsibility to expose students to new ideas, and push for trends that I hope to see throughout the world. Bringing solar to campus events is one way to do this: I hope that we can normalize not only sustainable energy, but also critical self-reflection about the sustainability of all events on campus, and the extent to which our university can support small, local businesses. Our impact as individuals on this campus and in the wider community cannot be overlooked, and I am glad to do this work in partnership with groups like Sundance.”
The Student Environmental Center at UNC Asheville is a student-funded, student-run department that seeks to engage students, faculty, staff, and the Asheville community in conversation and action around environmental issues. They are a campus resource for information related to environmental stewardship, university sustainability, and community outreach.
The SEC works to achieve these goals by providing a home for students from a variety of backgrounds, all passionate about the environment, to gain education on issues pertaining to the environment. With a focus on peer-to-peer education, individual empowerment is fostered so that the creation and maintenance of projects that promote sustainability happens on campus.
The SEC office is located in the Highsmith University Union, in the Alumni Hall Student Org Suite, with regular open office hours. For inquiries about project ideas, green grants, and ways to get involved, email them at sec@unca.edu and to find out about ongoing events and projects, check them out on Facebook.