Credit Human, a Non-Profit Federal Credit Union Chartered in 1935, Credit Human is a not-for-profit, 100% member-owned, member-directed, and member-governed federal credit union serving members acros...
Amicus Solar Coop Gathers in Denver Amicus Solar is a member-owned purchasing cooperative of 76 high-quality, independent, values-driven solar energy companies. Members build projects in all 50 state...
Sundance joins Amicus members at retreat! Sundance’s Director of Communications, Erika Schneider, enjoyed sharing ideas about how we can help customers through the process of going solar with Sales ...
Sundance is pleased to announce that we have joined Amicus Solar Cooperative – the first purchasing cooperative in the U.S. solar industry. Amicus is a special group of quality solar PV installers, ...
Why Partner with Sundance Power Systems?
Our 5 step design process sets the standard
Our Renewable Energy Consultants are not high-pressure sales people offering poorly constructed solutions and pipe-dream financing options. Our 5 Step Process is based upon listening to our customers and designing systems that empower a clean energy lifestyle.