In May of ’95, Sundance was incorporated to expand the environmental work of the founders and expand renewable energy and sustainability into society at large.

Residential Solar Solutions
Renewable Energy Solutions for Your Home
Since 1995, Sundance Power has designed, installed and serviced renewable energy systems for a diverse number of homeowners. From grid-tied solar to more complex systems with battery backup, Sundance is the local leader in providing well-designed solar systems that handle our customers’ power needs while growing a more sustainable energy future for the planet.
/ Visit Residential Solar Solutions /Commercial and Industrial Solar Solutions
Renewable Energy Solutions for Your Business
Sundance offers our commercial clients support and confidence in developing and carrying out renewable energy strategies that provide a hedge against escalating energy costs and lower the environmental impact of doing business.
/ Visit Solar Solutions for Business /

Service, Maintenance and Repair
Stellar Service for Your System
We offer routine maintenance and repairs to ensure that your system is performing optimally. For solar electric, solar hot water, and radiant floor heating systems, we offer annual maintenance agreements with discounted rates.
/ Visit Solar Service, Maintenance and Repair /Solarizing the Carolinas Since 1995
Connected to the Solar Community
We are a proud member of the first solar purchasing cooperative in North America.
The member-owners of Amicus Solar are independently-owned solar energy companies working to make a positive impact on their employees, communities, investors, supply partners and the planet. We share best practices while combining our buying power to save our customers money on high-quality components for their solar power systems.
/ Read More /Featured Project
Isaac Dickson Elementary School, Asheville, NC
Years of Organizing Culminates with the Installation of Community-Funded Solar Power System at ISAAC DICKSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The much-anticipated solar electric system placing solar panels at an As...
/ Read More /Get to Know Us
We Are Ready to Dance!
Our people are among the best-trained Renewable Energy professionals in the business. As a team, we bring knowledge, experience and our values to every renewable energy project we undertake. Our first task is to listen, so that we can be responsive to the needs of our clients. We are committed to fulfilling our client’s energy needs, and to be on-time and on-budget as we implement our client’s renewable energy solutions.
/ Meet the Sundance Team /
Why Partner with Sundance Power Systems?
Our 5 step design process sets the standard
Our Renewable Energy Consultants are not high-pressure sales people offering poorly constructed solutions and pipe-dream financing options. Our 5 Step Process is based upon listening to our customers and designing systems that empower a clean energy lifestyle.

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